Publications & Talks

NuDoubt++ Publications
2024 Combining Hybrid and Opaque Scintillator Techniques in the Search for Double Beta Plus Decays M. Böhles et al.
to be published
arXiv:2407.05999 [hep-ex]
Selected NuDoubt++ Conference Talks
2024 Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Plus Decays with NuDoubt++ DPG Spring Meeting Stefan Schoppmann
2024 Development of a High-Pressure Scintillator Test Cell for NuDoubt++ DPG Spring Meeting Magdalena Eisenhuth
2024 Simulation and event reconstruction in NuDoubt++ DPG Spring Meeting Kyra Mossel
Bachelor's / Master's / Doctoral Theses
2024 Reconstruction and Background Discrimination in a Hybrid and Opaque Scintillator Detector Kyra Mossel Master's thesis
2024 Development of an Overpressure Test Cell and Sensitivity Study for Double Beta Experiments Magdalena Eisenhuth Master's thesis
2024 Development of Wavelength-shifting Fibers with high Photon Capture-Rate Bastian Keßler Master's thesis
Additional NuDoubt++ publications, talks, theses, and proceedings can be found at INSPIRE.
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2019 Novel Opaque Scintillator for Neutrino Detection C. Buck, B. Gramlich, S. Schoppmann
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